Setup SMTP
Droppy supports SMTP to send out your emails. Make sure you have all your SMTP details/credentials before starting with this article.
- Login into your admin panel (
- Go to Settings -> Email settings.
- Select "SMTP" in the "Email server" section.
- More fields should now appear where you can enter your SMTP details.
- When you have entered your SMTP details you should click "Save" in the bottom right corner.
My emails aren't sending
- Make sure your port is correct, if your SMTP Secure is TLS your port should be 587, if your SMTP Secure is set to SSL your port should be 465 and if your SMTP secure is NONE your port should be 25.
- Try different emails as receiver, some emails providers like are very strict in receiving emails from unknown senders.
- Make sure your login details are correct and that SMTP Auth is set to "On" when needed.
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