1. Wasabi will provide you the following details: access key, secret key and region. Use the access key to fill in the key value and the secret key as secret value.
2. The endpoint URL depends on the region you've chosen to create your bucket, all available endpoint URLs can be found over here https://wasabi-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015106031-What-are-the-service-URLs-for-Wasabi-s-different-storage-regions-
Make sure to add https:// in front of the URL when you enter it into the endpoint value so the endpoint value of region EU Central 1 (Amsterdam) would be https://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com
3. Your endpoint URL includes a region name, in the above URL the region is "eu-central-1". Use this as region value.
4. Then enter your bucket name as bucket value
5. And if you prefer to place all uploads in a separate folder inside the bucket, then specify that location as path.
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